** Magnificent Monday Roll Call **
Today is the second half of my new weekend, as the store is closed on Sunday and Monday.
It is three weeks since my surgery today. I have lost 19 lbs. since that day, I guess that is pretty good. I am starting to eat more food now, trying new things carefully. Last night I made my favorite crab cakes, they are really mostly crabmeat, tasted so good and my pouch was happy!
So today I am going grocery shopping and finishing the laundry before back to the store tomorrow.
Hope everyone has a GREAT DAY!!

I got up early today to get in practice for going back to work on Wednesday. Today I will be organizing and getting things together to take back to school. I also have a dr appt later today to have a nerve test done. I have been having some numbness and tingling in my right foot so the dr wants to check it out.
Nothing else going on today....Steffi good luck with the room set up! Don't overdo!! Btw, I went through the clothes that you gave me and except for two outfits everything else was TOO BIG!! What a great feeling!! YEAH ME!
Have a magnificent Monday!!
Back to work for me today. Regular in office stuff from 6am till 1pm and then have an in-service from 1pm till 4pm. Pretty easy day.
Ryleigh is doing well. She is drinking more and eating a little more too. Good spirits as always. She does get upset that she can't eat the same things her sister does right now, but gets over it pretty quickly.
Have a great day everyone!
Ioverslept this a.m. I wanted to be in my classroom and printing out stuff for the first week of school by 7 a.m. but apparently my need for sleep didn't agree with that plan...sooooo I am up now waiting on coffee and then will jump inthe shower and head down to school a little later than I had planned. LAST FULL WEEK OF SUMMER VACATION!!!
Waaah! The summer flew by...it really did. After I am done at work I will come home and wait for a package delivery and then just putter around here for a bit...might hit the trail at the park this evening we will see how hot it gets...did a dance cardio routine last night (I really can't dance but it was fun!!!LOL) I am sure my neighbor was loving me just jumping all around in my place..
Hope everyone has a magnificent Monday!
Much luv!
"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!
Good morning all - back at work this lovely Monday morning. Going to be a quiet day - lots of people out for one reason or another - that's good because I'm not feeling 100% myself today.
Throat is still sore from the biopsy Friday - area is tender and bruised. This too shall pass... My nephew is mostly moved in - him and his buddy got most of his big stuff over yesterday - he got his bedroom all set up and will probably work on the rest of the area today - he'll have to incorporate his stuff into the stuff we had down there but I told him to make it his home. He seems really excited to be there and his friends all think its a good move for him - we're keeping our fingers crossed.
Other than that not much going on for me today other than work, dinner tonight, work-out, walk the dog. Short week this week as hubby's second cataract surgery is Wednesday so I'll be off for that, and am taking a vacation day Friday.
Hope everyone has a great day.
Back at work this morning.... wow, did THAT weekend fly by!
Saturday I had a wonderful time at a wire weaving workshop in Flemington with a good friend of mine. Sunday, I played catch-up, had a nice outside run in the morning, then did grocery shopping, meal planning for the week (haven't done that for a few weeks, which has led to some odd food moments), and then made dinner, plus my SF granola bars for snacks, and a big bowl of chicken salad (that will be 3 lunches during the week). So I feel a bit "ahead" of the game. BUT.. was fighting a nasty headache literally all day yesterday. It feels a bit better today, but my neck/shoulder are still sore - I think I overdid it in my weights workout on Friday and I've been paying the price for the last few days.
Today should be manageable at work - a couple of meetings, a bunch of programming. Then home to continue cleaning out and organizing my studio if I can shanghai someone to help me.
BTW - I've got a large ikea entertainment center and bookcase in there that I will be getting rid of. They're in good condition - free to a good home, but you have to come pick them up. If anyone's interested! (they're a light "honey" color) Just let me know - email or phone or facebook or pm here... I can send pics.